Today in computer history: June 25th
Below are technology and computer-related events that happened on June 25th of every year during the evolution of computers. June 25th is the 177th day of 2024, which is a leap year. There are 189 days left in the year from this day.

81 years ago
Bill Moggridge was born, a British designer, author, and educator who designed one of the first laptop computer. Died September 8, 2012 (Age: 69).

42 years ago
The movie Blade Runner was released.

42 years ago
Ryan Block was born, a technology journalist, critic, former editor of Engadget, and co-founder of gdgt.

26 years ago
Microsoft Windows 98 was officially released.

15 years ago
Michael Jackson passes away. The news of his death causes many of the biggest sites on the Internet to crash and Google to believe it was under a DDoS attack resulting in a block on all searches relating to Michael Jackson for 30 minutes.

10 years ago
Android TV was released.
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Android, Android TV, Computer, Crash, DDoS, Editor, Engadget, Founder, Google, Internet, Laptop, Microsoft, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Windows 98, Movie, Released, Result, Searches, TV