Today in computer history: June 30th
Below are technology and computer-related events that happened on June 30th of every year during the evolution of computers. June 30th is the 182th day of 2024, which is a leap year. There are 184 days left in the year from this day.

115 years ago
Harry Goode was born, an American statistician, mathematician, electrical and chemical engineer, professor, and author. Died October 30, 1960 (Age: 51).

25 years ago
VIA Technologies acquired Cyrix from Texas Instruments.

25 years ago
National Semiconductor announced it would exit the PC processor market.

24 years ago
NEC and Mitsubishi launch a new display monitor company, NEC/Mitsubishi.

21 years ago
The Apple Safari Internet browser was released.

16 years ago
CNET was acquired by CBS interactive for $1.8 billion.

14 years ago announces it has signed an agreement to be acquired by

13 years ago
AMD released the first desktop processors in the A6 and A8 line.

11 years ago
The Nextel iDEN network was officially shut down.

9 years ago
Google Moderator is discontinued.

8 years ago
The nonprofit organization IFTF (Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation) is founded.

6 years ago
StumbleUpon became part of a new social platform called Mix.
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Agreement, Amazon, AMD, Apple, Apple Safari, BE, Browser, CNET, Cyrix, Desktop, Discontinue, Display, Display monitor, Google, IFTF, Interactive, Interactive fiction, Internet, Mitsubishi, Mix, Moderator, National Semiconductor, NEC, NEC/Mitsubishi, Network, Nextel, Organization, Part, PC, Platform, Processor, Released, Semiconductor, StumbleUpon, Texas Instruments, VIA, VIA Technologies, Woot