HTML <applet> tag

When writing in HTML (hypertext markup language), the <applet> tag is a block element used to embed a Java applet. It is useful when you want to add more functionality to your web pages. The following sections contain information about this tag, including an example of its code, and related attributes and browser compatibility.
The <applet> tag is deprecated. Instead, use the <embed> or <object> tags.
Example code
<applet code="BounceLetters.class" width="350" height="350">
Java applet that draws bouncing text characters.
Required attributes
In an HTML tag, attributes dictate certain aspects of an HTML element. Attributes are made up of a name and value pair. All HTML tags support standard attributes. The following table shows attributes that have to be used with the <applet> tag, and a description of each.
Attribute | Description |
code | Designates the Java applet's file name. |
object | Designates the URL (uniform resource locator) of a serialized representation of an applet. |
Optional attributes
An optional attribute is one used in addition to those listed above, but is not required for the <applet> tag to work properly.
Attribute | Description |
align | Designates the alignment of an applet with respect to its surrounding elements. |
alt | Designates alternate text for an applet. |
archive | Designates an archive file's location. |
codebase | Designates a URL for applets specified in the code attribute. |
height | Designates the height of the applet. |
hspace | Sets the horizontal spacing around the applet. |
name | Sets a name for the applet. |
vspace | Sets the vertical spacing around the applet. |
width | Designates the width of the applet. |
Edge | Internet Explorer | Firefox | Safari | Opera | Chrome |
Not supported | All versions | All versions * | All version * | Not supported | Not supported |
*Until it is removed in a future version of HTML
Browser, Code, Compatibility, Container tag, CSS, Java, JavaScript, URL, Web design terms