HTML <area> tag

When writing in HTML (hypertext markup language), the <area> tag is used to mark out certain sections within an image map. It is useful when you want an image on your page to have multiple hyperlinks. The following sections contain information about this tag, including an example of it in use, and related attributes and browser compatibility.
Example code
<img src="" alt="Computer Hope logo" width="412" height="82" usemap="#CHmap" class="logo"/>
<map name="CHmap">
<area shape="rect" coords="89,9,294,50" href="" alt="Computer"> <area shape="rect" coords="297,7,407,54" href="" alt="Hope">
Example result
In the image above containing our logo, clicking the word "Computer" opens our computer definition page. Clicking the word "Hope" opens our hope definition page.
All HTML tags support standard attributes that define the settings of an HTML element. In addition to the standard settings, the <area> tag has the following unique attributes.
Attribute | Description |
alt | Designates the alternate text for each area of the image map. |
coords | Designates the coordinates of the area. |
download | Designates that the target will be downloaded upon being clicked. |
href | Designates the URL (uniform resource locator) of the web page. |
hreflang | Designates the language of the link. |
media | Designates the device for which the linked file is optimized. |
rel | Designates the relationship between the linked and current files. |
shape | Designates the shape of the area. |
target | Designates where the target URL opens. |
type | Designates the linked file's media type. |
Deprecated attributes
In addition to the above attributes, the <area> tag had the following deprecated attributes.
Attribute | Description |
nohref | Denotes that the area does not have a hyperlink associated with it. |
Edge | Internet Explorer | Firefox | Safari | Opera | Chrome |
All versions | All versions | All versions | All version | All versions | All versions |
<a>, Browser, Compatibility, Logo, Target, URL, Web design terms