HTML <html> tag

The <html> tag is the root of a web page; it's used to tell a browser that it's viewing an HTML (hypertext markup language) document. It's required for every HTML page and contains all of the other HTML elements within it (except <!DOCTYPE>). The following sections contain information about this tag, including an example of its code, and related attributes and browser compatibility.
Example of <html> code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><!--Information about the page--></head>
<body><!--Page content--></body>
Within an HTML tag, an attribute dictates certain aspects of an HTML element. Attributes are made up of a name and value pair; all tags support standard attributes. The following table shows all of the current unique attributes for the <html> tag, and a description of each.
Attribute | Description |
manifest | Designates the address of the document's cache manifest so it may be browsed offline. |
xmlns | Special attribute used if your content needs to conform to XHTML (extensible hypertext markup language). |
Edge | Internet Explorer | Firefox | Safari | Opera | Chrome |
All versions | All versions | All versions | All version | All versions | All versions |
Browser, Cache, Code, Compatibility, Container tag, CSS, HTML terms, URL, Web design terms, XHTML