HTML <noscript> tag

Updated: 10/07/2019 by Computer Hope
HTML noscript tag

The HTML (hypertext markup language) <noscript> tag is a block element designating a section of HTML to be inserted if browser scripting is turned off. The <noscript> tag can also designate a section of HTML for insertion because of an unsupported script type. The following sections contain information about this tag, including an example of it in use, and related attributes and browser compatibility.

Example of <noscript> code

<script>document.write("Your browser supports JavaScript.")</script>
<noscript>Sorry, your browser does not support JavaScript.</noscript>

Example result

Your browser supports JavaScript!

Example explanation

If you browser supports JavaScript, you see the message "Your browser supports JavaScript." If not, you see the message "Sorry, your browser does not support JavaScript."


All HTML tags support standard attributes that define the settings of an HTML element. Unlike other HTML tags, the <noscript> tag has no unique attributes.


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Author, Browser, Compatibility, Container tag, CSS, HTML script tag, Web design terms