HTML <sup> tag
Updated: 08/02/2020 by Computer Hope

When writing in HTML (hypertext markup language), the <sup> tag is an inline element used to designate superscript text, which appears higher, and usually smaller, than the text around it. It is useful for tasks like writing mathematical formulas and footnotes. The following sections contain information about this tag, including an example of it in use, and related attributes and browser compatibility.
For subscript text, use the <sub> tag.
Example <sup> code
<p>Here is how <sup>superscripted</sup> text looks.</p>
Example result
Here is how superscripted text looks.
All HTML tags support standard attributes that define the settings of an HTML element. Unlike other HTML tags, the <sup> tag has no unique attributes.
Edge | Internet Explorer | Firefox | Safari | Opera | Chrome |
All versions | All versions | All versions | All versions | All versions | All versions |
Browser, Compatibility, Container tag, Footnote, Web design terms