HTML <th> tag

Updated: 09/12/2023 by Computer Hope
HTML th tag

The HTML (hypertext markup language) <th> tag is short for table head and used to designate a cell as a column header in a table. It is useful for storing information about a set of rows or columns. The following sections contain information about the <th> tag, including an example of it in use, and related attributes and browser compatibility.


More advanced tables may include the <caption>, <col>, <colgroup>, <tbody>, <tfoot>, or <thead> elements.

Example of <th> code

<table class="mtable2 tab">
<tr class="tcw">
<tr class="tcw">
<tr class="tcw"> <td>May</td>

Example result

Month Savings
March $200
April $300
May $250

We have added a few of our own classes to the table using CSS; this action allows us to improve its appearance.


All HTML tags support standard attributes that define the settings of an HTML element. In addition to the standard settings, the <th> tag has the following unique attributes.

Attribute Description
abbr Designates an abbreviated version of the content within a header cell.
colspan Designates how man columns a header cell should span.
headers Designates one or more header cells that a certain cell has relation.
rowspan Designates how man rows a header cell should span.
scope Designates whether a header cell is a header for a column, row, or group of columns or rows.
sorted Designates the sorting direction of a column.

Deprecated attributes

In addition to the above attributes, the <th> tag had the following deprecated attributes.

Attribute Description
align Designates the alignment of content inside an element.
axis Used to categorize header cells.
bgcolor Designates the background color of a header cell.
char Aligns the content in a header cell to a specific character.
charoff Sets the number of characters to offset the content from the character designated by the char attribute.
height Designates the height of a header cell.
nowrap Designates that the content inside a header cell should not wrap.
valign Alights the content in a header cell vertically.
width Designates the width of a header cell.


Edge Internet Explorer Firefox Safari Opera Chrome
All versions All versions All versions All version All versions All versions

Browser, Cell, Class, Column, Compatibility, Computer abbreviations, Container tag, Format, Row, <table>, Table, <td>, <tr>, Web design terms