Computer history

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The Computer Hope computer history timeline provides a detailed listing of key events that occurred during the evolution of computers, the Internet, and related technologies. This timeline includes births and deaths of famous computer pioneers, inventions, discoveries, dates when computer companies were established, when popular websites came online, and much more. The timeline helps illustrate how computers have evolved and when computer technologies were introduced.


This page provides links to events in history related to computers. If you're looking for information about Internet browser history and how to clear it, see the links on our history definition.

While we would like to believe our research is 100% accurate, Computer Hope cannot claim 100% accuracy. If you know about something we missed or found something that is incorrect, please contact us and let us know.

Today in computer history

Currently being updated.

Computer history timeline

The following list is each of the years from B.C. to 2020 of computer-related events that have occurred. Because early years in the timeline did not have many computer-related events, we've combined these years into one page for easier browsing. More recent years only list computer events for each year.

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