FACEBOOK: Hacked and Fake Accounts

Started by Geek-9pm, March 08, 2023, 11:12:09 PM

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Somebody bad stolid my FACEBOOK  account. Now I see I was not the first!  :o
Look Here:
Your account should represent you, and only you should have access to your account. If someone gains access to your account, or creates an account to pretend to be you or someone else, we want to help. We also encourage you to let us know about accounts that represent fake or fictional people, pets, celebrities or organizations.
The link above details our options. I am out of any hope. The really got me.   :'(


I was hacked yesterday by someone using an iPhone from Lagos Nigeria. They even hacked my Gmail account including my email account. I was able to recover my Gmail and email, but I haven't received any help from Facebook. The mailing address being used by the hackers: [email protected]. I sent an email from another account and it came back. I tried pinging it and that didn't work. I would like to obtain their IP address so I could return the favor. Anyone know how to restore a hacked FB account? Thank you in advance. Tommy
Tommy D.