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Other / Server / Forum Update
Last post by Computer Hope Admin - June 30, 2024, 06:04:20 PM
Greetings everyone,

As you've undoubtedly noticed, the forums have been updated. I've been working on moving the server, and during this move, I thought it was time to update the forums to the latest version, 2.1 (from 2.0). Because this was a major update and not a minor update, it also came with a lot of changes and a theme update. Everything has not yet been tweaked because I need to focus on verifying everything is working and resolving all of the errors that came with the big move. However, as things become more stable, I'll work on updating the look and features more, re-opening registration, and fixing all of the related Cloudflare IP-related issues that should now all be fixed with the new forum version supporting IPv6. If you encounter any problems or want things changed, feel free to mention them in this post, but please be patient while I get to them all. :)

p.s. I apologize for my long absence.

Hardware / Re: portable HD is messed up
Last post by Novel8 - June 24, 2024, 06:25:12 AM
Windows acknowledge it and "Disk management does also. The reading says: 465  76 gb Raw   Healthy primary partition. So where does that leave me? Apparently, I cannot use it again as my PVR recorder, cause it would not do so anymore. Should I attempt to reformat it?
Hardware / Re: portable HD is messed up
Last post by Term_ite - June 23, 2024, 08:25:30 AM
If you review BC-Programmer's 2nd reply you will find that he asked if the external drive was acknowledged in "DISK" Management and not device management.
Right click on the Windows logo and select Disk Management from the resulting menu.
Hardware / Re: portable HD is messed up
Last post by patio - June 23, 2024, 08:17:41 AM
The cliks are definitely a good old is this drive ? ?
Hardware / Re: portable HD is messed up
Last post by Novel8 - June 22, 2024, 04:57:09 PM
OK, I had some luck this last time. The HD icon is shown as LG ( my TV ) and working properly. From past expieriences that response is typical even if you do have a problem, So we know its spinning contnously and soft with no weird sounds accompanying it, In Win 11 i do not see the typical layout that I have seen up to win 7, where you can add a drive letter, format, partition and etc, Perhaps its because I had changed win 11 start to a classic look, that is why i get a list of folders when i go to
Devmgmt.msc. Not knowledgable about HD's in this case, is there any other way to try and format the portable drive?
Hardware / Re: portable HD is messed up
Last post by Novel8 - June 22, 2024, 05:46:09 AM
I never went to device management in win 11 until now as i read your suggestion. Like I said earlier that the hd is spinning softly and no sound effects; In Dev Mang I do not see a diagrom of all my hd's like i have seen in previous window versions, but a list and one of them says "Disc Drives", which is the one I suppose to open....but for some strange reason i could not get the cursor to go to that link and open it up. Being a Novice in win 11, do you know how i or a better way to open dev mang.? I used the windows logo and R to emter tje syntax.?
Hardware / Re: portable HD is messed up
Last post by Novel8 - June 21, 2024, 05:35:18 PM
I do hear a consistent soft spining an clicks or other sounds. If device management does see it, what would it tell me, and where would it take me from there?
Internet browsers / Re: Save as .mhtml does not sa...
Last post by giomach - June 21, 2024, 01:41:24 PM
Well, it seems that local image files are not saved in a mhtml file — wikipedia describes MHTML as "a Web archive file format used to combine, in a single computer file, the HTML code and its companion resources (such as images) that are represented by external hyperlinks in the web page's HTML code." (my emphasis).

Or rather, the local images are embedded in the mhtml in base64 encoding, and associated there with a pseudo-local url, but when a browser encounters this type of url, it acts as if the image can't be found.  Wouldn't it be reasonable to expect that a browser (or an extension) on finding a local url would convert the embedded base64 code and show the image? Probably there's some security vulnerability.

Of course the webpage and its images will all go on the internet when it's finished, but while you're developing it on your local machine and you want to show it to someone who's not very computer-savvy, the restriction is a real (and unexpected) nuisance.
Internet browsers / Re: What is wrong with the "Ch...
Last post by giomach - June 21, 2024, 10:05:41 AM
After a reboot and using Opera instead of Chrome, my attempt to post to Chrome Help Community worked.  Whereas previously clicking "Post" produced no result, now under Opera it shows a captcha (which requires no response) and then "Post" is responsive.

In the last couple of days I have had similar problems with several websites being unresponsive under Chrome, but fine under Opera. I gather it may be that these sites want me to rule on my cookie settings (which I recently cleared from Chrome), but fail to display their request about cookies.  Time will tell if this will be fixed, but until then I will be using Opera.  Until that happens, I can't say that the problem is fixed.
Internet browsers / What is wrong with the "Chrome...
Last post by giomach - June 21, 2024, 04:14:42 AM
Post to the Chrome Help Community is here:
I sign in to Google, and go to the above url. I go through the process of drafting my query, to the point where the "Post" button appears. On clicking "Post", it says I'm not signed in (I am!) or else that I've exceeded my allowed number of posts (I've never succeeded in senting a post there).
Does it work for anyone else?