How to package an html page with html, js, css, etc.

Started by Organ, August 19, 2021, 08:56:58 PM

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I downloaded a jQuery web page lottery example and modified it slightly.
I want to turn it into an exe executable file. How do I do this?
The file directory is as follows.

It is the use of jQuery technology to achieve a response when the page is clicked. This is a lottery template downloaded from the internet.
How do I package it as a single exe file? I heard someone say secondary packaging?


There are program wrappers out there but I doubt you can wrap it all into a self contained EXE. Additionally if able to it may flag as a false positive for malware given what your attempting to wrap together.

Other thing is this wont be legal to sell someone elses product under an EXE unless greatly modified from its original source to be non-competing of the original creator of it. So code concepts can be used as long as its bent from its original source into something non-competing with the original source.