My computer hope ID# to get back on my contribution

Started by lectrocrew, December 28, 2013, 06:52:30 PM

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I'm way bad on cancer and liver disease, so I'm on a my last leg, and I've supported this website by contributing to 'Folding @ Home', as many of our members have. But I've been non-helpfull for the last few months due to $ (electricity bill) concerns.
So, now I don't even care anymore about my utility bill, and I can't remember what my information is in order to access 'Folding@Home again. I have 3 PC's and probably another I'll get going tomorrow.
I'd like to them all online for F@H support, but I can't remember my access code?
Where do I find this?
As always, thanks for the help!


If you're still using the same email address, entering the same information here will give you the same passkey - assuming that's what you need?
Hope this helps :)

Very sorry to hear how things are with you.  My system as it stands isn't ideal for F@H but I think I'll finish off the BOINC work I'm doing elsewhere and join you folding in the next day or so.
Edit: folding on my GPU now, CPU will follow shortly.


Thanks Calum! I got my information retrieved and I've got 1 PC folding now and will have 2 more folding tonight. As always, I appreciate your help!!!


Excellent, glad to hear it!

I have my PC folding for us right now, around 20K PPD.  I've been doing BOINC elsewhere for the last 6 months or so, in fact I've been around a bit with my distributed computing.  I started off folding anonymously, then joined the CH team when it was set up, then folded for another help forum, then folded for an enthusiast community connected to a place I worked at.  I then quite folding and did some BOINC for them, then moved my BOINC efforts to another forum.  It's been a while since I've folded but it's good to be back, even on a smaller scale than I would've hoped.

BOINC is pretty interesting as there are so many different projects, some devoted to research into diseases along the same lines as F@H, some for mapping the paths of asteroids or tracking outer space objects, some for researching clean energy, weather patterns, mathematical's so varied.

When I have a decently high end system again (long story, many delays so far) I'll put it to work folding here at least for a while before I turn it over to BOINC, and I'll see what else I can rustle up to get working over here in the meantime.


Well, that's annoying...I've had 4 out of 5 units fail on this machine.  Not sure what's going on just yet as the GPU and CPU units seem to fail together, one will end, then I'll get some error messages, and digging in the log files gives "bad_work_unit".  This is supposedly related to memory issues or of course corrupted units, seems unlikely that there's an issue with my system as it's been solid on other CPU heavy tasks for the last week or so running 24 hours a day.  I've uninstalled F@H for now and I'll give it another try in a few days just to see if it was just a few bad units going around.


That's a b$tch! I'll try to dig up a solution, but right now I'm dead tired from spending the day at the hospital with my friend of 25+ years thats dying from Cancer and kidney failure. I'll see if I can come up with a solution for you tomorrow. But right now I've got to get some sleep.
Thanks for all your help in the past Calum - tomorrow...
Mike  :)


No problem Mike, don't sweat it - I'll look into this when I have some time myself, I'm sure we'll get it figured out.  It's been a while since I did any F@H and the v7 client is pretty different, figured I'd give it a shot but perhaps I'll try the older client, if it'll work with the newer GPU core that is.  It was really odd how it would crash out the entire client and to a certain extent my system, Firefox would quit responding till I rebooted - never had anything like that happen from F@H before.

I'll update if/when I make some progress :) catch you later.


Well, I don't think I like F@H much any more...after doing BOINC elsewhere for so long and dealing with some small idiosyncrasies, F@H seems like a step back - and yet, when I first started BOINC, I though exactly the opposite!

After the issues above where units were erroring out and my machine was hanging requiring a reboot to restore proper operation, I gave uo for a while until I had some time.  I started again, but just on my secondary card, and all was well, until I rebooted for another reason.  After the reboot, F@H promptly trashed the GPU unit which was 76% complete, and started a new one, on my primary card - not what I asked it to do.  Deleted that slot and added a new one for my secondary card - AGAIN - and it seems to be behaving, I turned in my first completed unit this morning.

I'm not a big fan of the v7 client and if something like this happens again I'll perhaps try the v6 client which I never had any issues with, if it still works with the new units.  Anyway - it's not much, only 7k per day estimated average, but there we go :)
If possible, I'll point a little more folding power this way soon.


Well, a heck of a long time later, I'm contributing again...I had to scale back and sell off almost all my hardware and I haven't been around on the forum much this year due to some issues of my own.  Folding has changed a heck of a lot since I was really into it, new clients, the points landscape is very different, but the science remains the same.  I have my secondary machine, aka "the heating for the spare room" running F@H now, it's nothing too special - dual hex core Xeon L5639 - but it's looking like it'll average around 35-40k ppd.  It usually crunches BOINC for a team elsewhere but I've pulled it off to fold here for now :)