Introduction to WhatPulse and stats

Started by Computer Hope Admin, June 07, 2010, 10:05:39 AM

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Computer Hope Admin

WhatPulse is a small program that runs in the background of your computer and keeps track of how many keys you've typed, how far you've moved your mouse, and how many types you've pressed in your mouse button. Joining the team allows you to compete with other forum members as well as with other teams on the Internet. Additionally this utility is a great way to see other interesting stats for yourself such as what keys you use the most.

A download to this application (for PC/Mac/Linux) and additional information found at: WhatPulse team statistics

Creating badge / custom image

Visiting the dynamic images link will allow you to create your own custom image or badge like the one shown below that can be shared with others or placed in your signature on the forum. To do this follow the below steps.

1. Visit the dynamic images link.
2. Click the Preferences button and then Background image, to choose what background image you'd like to use.
3. Go back to the main dynamic images page and click design your image.
4. Under Option choose either text if you want type type something or Statistic if you want to enter a statistic such as keys typed or mouse clicks.
5. Click the Add text button for each new element you wish to add.
6. Move each text or stat by clicking and dragging it on the image shown on the page.
7. Repeat steps 4-6 as many times as needed.
8. Click the Save image button and to get the BBC code go back to the dynamic images link and scroll to the bottom. If your customized image isn't being shown press F5 to refresh the page.


  • To send your statistics you must Pulse. To pulse click the WhatPulse on your Systray in the bottom right corner of your screen.
  • There have been users who've had issues with popup blockers blocking some of the windows on the WhatPulse website. When setting up your account and joining Computerhope make sure these are disabled.

Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.
-Albert Einstein