Banning IP range in php file but need a way to allow IP command

Started by attroll, January 26, 2020, 12:04:48 PM

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I found another post on this forum that was very useful about banning IP in a PHP file.
I will attach the code below.
I do have a question about this code.
I am using IP Ranges in the ban.txt file.
Sometimes when doing this there is one IP within that range that is a user that does not need to be banned.
How can I add another text file of set it up in the PHP file to allowed IPs and have it override the ban.txt file?
Is this possible?
$ips file('/ban.txt');
$isBanned false;

$ips as $ip) {
$split explode(','$ip);

$split[0] == $userIp)
$isBanned true;

$isBanned) {
"It seems you have been banned from viewing this website.";
"If you think you have been banned in error please contact me.";