Server 2008, Restrict User's from Drives

Started by bob1286, August 08, 2016, 12:11:33 PM

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I know that when you share drives on a network that you can set it spefic to everyone on certain users but, how do I set it to certain users that have like active directory on the server. Is it the same as a regular share?


Some say, myself included, saring a drive is not a good idea. Instead prepare a drive or partition to have just one directory and share taht directory. Yes, that is not a requjirement, just a way to keep on's sanity. That allows lfor yhou to creat another directoru in the future with differnet restrictions.
Aboaut sharing in Windows 7,hee are some basi things to think about:
The above is more about sharing between ussers.
The explains the basics fro most  systems in use today.
Your  'public' folder can be shared over tghe network.

If you can explain why you need to share a drive, if we help me to give yhou a well-crafted answer athat will allow futger changes.

The fundamental concepisto have shares available to users, This means tghat all users must have some credentials. Any user not verified has to be a 'guest' and can only rad a few rfestricted items.  :)


I can't understand what your saying ...  :-\


Let's start over.
What does this mean?
Re: Server 2008, Restrict User's from Drives

Which users? How many? Where are they?
If you mean users on the machine itself:
HOW TO: Manage Groups in Windows Server 2003
QuoteGroups are Active Directory or local computer objects that can contain users, contacts, computers, and other groups. You can use groups to do the following:
    Manage user and computer access to shared resources such as Active Directory objects and their properties, network shares, files, directories, and printer queues.
Is that it? 


Could you explain clearer who you want to share it with, anyone that has an AD account on the server?  If so, there should be a group for something like "Domain Users" - This is all users in active directory.


The only thing is that I don't have the clients joined to the domain, cause, of networking hardware changes and they all have there own local which, when they go to see the drives on the server, I don't want them to have access provided that it's not the right user.  I did make separate groups and assigned it to the shares but, I think that I may of overlooked something.
