Looking for a way to shut off display backlight - Driver Issue

Started by DaveLembke, October 19, 2021, 10:25:37 PM

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So I have a Netbook with an Intel Atom N280 1.66Ghz APU in it. Driver Support ends at Windows 7 32-bit. I installed Windows 10 32-bit to it and it runs fine on Windows 10 however when the display is set to sleep after 5 minutes the display will go black, but you can see the backlight glowing.

Prior OS on this Netbook was Windows XP and the driver for Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 3150 would shut off the backlight in addition to display going black.

The issue is that the backlight not shutting off eats into battery life even when the screen goes black.

Was wondering if anyone else out there ran into an issue with this and had a work around. Maybe a 3rd party utility that is able to target the backlight to shutting it off along side the display going black when the Windows 7 32-bit driver doesnt work with Windows 10 32-bit?


Just an update to this...

Gave up on trying to find a way to shut off the back light and am using a better Core i3 laptop anyways now, so this old Intel Atom netbook is just going to be used when needed and shut down when not needed.