Unable to reset/refresh Windows 8.1 Enterprise

Started by kovacsa, June 09, 2019, 02:20:22 PM

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I use Windows 8.1 Enterprise, which should be refreshed or reset to factory defaults but I am unable to use built-in methods, because I got error message, that recovery media has to be mounted, which is not present.
Error message:

Could not find the recovery environment

I try to use following methods to generate these for my own. Firstly I created a custom wim file:

    recimg –CreateImage C:\Win8Image

CustomRefresh.wim file was created successfully, but got same error message.

After that I tried to use original install.wim file from installer iso. I set it with following command:

    reagentc.exe /setosimage /path C:\Win8 /target c:\Windows /Index 1

It was successfull too, but got same error for both options.

I checked also system restore points with PowerShell commmand: Get-ComputerRestorePoint, but couldn't found any.