Facebook mobile issue on iPhone and iPad

Started by LtTony, July 13, 2021, 01:12:42 PM

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I cannot view posts from nearly all TV news and newspaper FB pages on my iPhone. I can see them on my computer or on desktop versions on the iPhone, but not the MOBILE site version on the iPhone or iPad. With ANY browser. I do NOT use the FB app on any device, and only for news stories and commenting.
I think it is a device/iOS issue, as I have no problem viewing or commenting on the same sites from my Windows laptop. It's a different story with all three iPhones and an iPad, however. (But only for most news sites I often visit; the handful of non-news sites I visit appear to be unaffected.) It could also be some kind of shadow ban or something by Facebook.
This all started slowly, only one FB page a month or so ago. Two iPhones iOS 14.6; iPad 12.5.4 I think.