Find your password on Wikipedia

Started by Geek-9pm, December 23, 2023, 09:21:29 PM

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It could be your favorite password  is in lists found on Wikipedia  :o

Wikipedia:10,000 most common passwords,000_most_common_passwords

In 2019, the United Kingdom's NCSC analyzed public databases of breached accounts to see which words, phrases, and strings people used. The most popular password on the list was 123456, appearing in more than 23 million passwords. The second-most popular string, 123456789, was not much harder to crack, while the top five included "qwerty", "password", and 1111111.

Some popular things were used by more than  10,000 users like me and you.  :-[

My favorite is was qwerty.


Looking over the top 100, the passwords are variations of passwords that babyboomers I know use ie mustang302. I wonder if the younger generations pick better passwords, or if we haven't been hacked enough to get "minecraft" into the top 100.