Why is Aple not as popular as Android?

Started by Geek-9pm, October 08, 2019, 08:41:19 PM

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Because Apple always cots more.
The gentry look at price rather than anything else.
But is there something good about Android? Many would say that a high end Samsung compares to a good iPhone.
But there is more that just that - Android works for a large number of smartphone makes with different hardware. Think about it. It really takes a lot of forethought to make a system that can be used by many rival  companies.
You might want to read this:

Reasons Why Android Is So Much More Popular

In 2010, Android overtook iOS in market share, becoming the world's most popular mobile operating system. It's a title that Android holds to this day.

And while some may argue over which operating system is better, there's no denying which is more popular since Android maintains over 80% of the global market share. But why exactly is Android so much bigger than iOS?
The article is to long to quote here. So go read it than come back.

Myself,I have both Apple an Android products. I use both on regular basis. But my personal needs are moderate.

What do you think?   :)


Android is versatile, there's a phone with an Android OS for every situation imaginable. You can adapt your phones, they're fully customizable and can be easily rooted. They do have a tendency to be buggy. Android aesthetic really depends on the user. An Android can be hard to choose, because you may not know what you're buying.


Also, when iPhone comes out with a new feature and is touting it in all their advertising, it's often a feature that has been available on Android for a year or more.


Android is more popular than iOS because more Smartphone makers use Android. A large contributor to Android's popularity is the fact that many more smartphone and device manufacturers use it as the OS for their devices. In the contrast, iOS is limited to Apple-made iPhones and iPads only. And there is greater variety of android devices.


It always gets me when someone is so ANTI-Android or ANTI-Apple - I'll ask them, well have you actually used it more than a few days/weeks? How can you dislike something if you haven't actually tried to use it? :p

But yes, definitely up to user preference. Really need to try both and give it a fair try. I did, and I'm happy with my choice.
you can live once


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