Started by Novel8, May 23, 2024, 01:18:29 PM

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i HAVE wIN 11  AND DO NOT LIKE ITS STARTUP. I have done some limited research on how to get the classic look of various OS. The problem is what one suggests to do to get this effect is coming from someone who is using a particular versiond of windows, and may not work  on the version, such as mine. Some go back a few years, and probably worked just fine at that time. but as we all know the systems are constantly changed, mainly by updates. My Win 11 verson is the 23H2. In my research I have tried to add a wallpaper and get as far as Windows\web as was suggested and nothing happens. others say to make sure one has all its Apps, in order for it to work and even that is a chore, cause mine are gone . I do not see what one has to do with just changing to the Win 10 classic start look. Dose anyone here recommend a bonafide way of getting this done without the common snags. such as I menioned????



Gladly to....but tell me...which comes first, opening the Shell or whatever that patch your recommending? Your response is vague. You should not take for granted that the recepient knows exactly what your referring to...be more explicit...in steps to take. Thanks.


They are both apps. Install Explorer Patcher first, then Open Shell Menu (though if you do it in the other order that's fine too).


I went to that explorer patcher link and did not see any button to download it. as for Open shell...let me explain my situation, so there would be no confusion on either side, hopefully. I an responding to you from my win 7 desktop...so technically, I do not want to install those 'apps' on win 7. The reason being I am having *censored* of a time getting adjusted to my win 11...ie...I cannot setup my thunderbird email on my laptop and so far using search from my win 11, it does not take me to Shell. I have no idea  on how to get to Shell to open it. Is it possible to copy those 2 links u gave me and install them on a usb drive to use it on my win 11 laptop? I would think those apps would be more suited there then on win 7. Once i get to either one of those links on my laptop, what should i look for to start getting my classic look? Are those apps 'self explanatory"?


I have no idea what you are talking about. You said you wanted Windows 11 to look like prior versions of Windows. If you install Explorer Patcher and Open Shell in the Windows 11 computer it will accomplish that.

Here's an easier download link for EP: https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/explorerpatcher.html


If you install Explorer Patcher and Open Shell in the Windows 11 computer it will accomplish that.>>>

Correct me if I am wrong...by your above statement, are you saying just by installing those 2 apps, I will get the classic look or I have to open both of them and make some choices?  Obviously your aquainted with them, I am NOT.



This is to Allan: I really appreciate your suggestions in my particular case of trying to get info on how to bet my Win 11 start to the classic look with those 2 apps you recommended. This is just a suggestion ..please  when someone here ask for assidstance don't just simplify a response by entering links whitout xpressing some problems in using them. I had no problem getting and installing Open shell and while i was having difficuty getting explorer patcher on various sites, including Github, I came across negative responses into using the Patcher especially, which you omitted in any of your responses. Most of those negativities say have screwed up their win 11 worse. The main reason I was looking for the classic look was hopeing i could get rid of my startup of win 11 which i could not adapt to. So far cause of those responses, I have not installed the patcher because of it. As of now, with just Open shell I did get a more pleasing aspect start as compared to the original win 11 start. Now, I have come across the news  that there are numerous apps that claim to do the classic look of previous windows starts.  some you pay a measly $5.00 and some are free. ...all with positive and negative results.


What you want here in many ways defies expectations that most applications are going to have, so it's not entirely unexpected to see problems. Explorer Patcher in particular works by effectively replacing bits of Windows internally with it's own; The problems people experience are typically the result of Windows updates, which (whether intentional on Microsoft's part or not) cause problems with those patches.

I think Open Shell replaces the entire taskbar altogether, which makes it a bit more resilient to that sort of thing.

Personally I use 'StartAllBack" on Windows 11 which has a number of similar options. It doesn't allow for what I consider the "classic" appearance (eg classic theme in win7 which mimicked even older windows versions). I use the setting(s) that make The taskbar and start menu more like Windows 10. Which is not to say that I particularly  *like* The way Windows 10 was either with regards to the taskbar and start menu, but I had gotten used to the smell of that particular outhouse.

I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


If I thought EP was going to cause problems, I wouldn't recommend it. I use it on 5 Windows 11 Systems and have never had an issue. If you look on Google for complaints about ANY app, you'll find them. Use it, don't use it - your choice. I don't need you to tell me how to do what I do.

And if you know enough to use disk imaging on a regular basis, you wouldn't have any concerns.


Upon reading various resposes to my Cllassical question, I went ahead and installed the startAllback app. So now i have that app and Open  shell.....no explorer patch. I really do not see much difference between those 2. Are they suppose to intergrate or just be separate? Anyway, its better than what came with win 11. Now, I do not know if messing around with classic views, I have been trying to setup Thunderbird, which I have been using for years up to win 10. When I try to install my existing email address account, all the proper stats imap and etc come in fine. Now, here is the problem, I do not get any option after it being acknowledged to add a couple more address's, or even that first one. There are no following buttons that might say "Continue". "submit" or "Next". TB support is for the Birds, no pun intended.


I don't use StartAllBack, but I don't believe you need Open Shell with it.