Don't understand the objective of this spam

Started by Mortimer, November 30, 2021, 03:38:40 PM

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Hi All,

I have a website that includes a Contact Webmaster page.  When a user fills in this page, I receive an email.  I want to know about broken links, misspelled words, confusing features etc. etc.

Lately, I've been receiving a bunch of emails (from the Contact Webmaster page) containing a single line of gibberish.  For example: "Hi, ego volo scire vestri pretium."  The page asks for a first and last name and a good portion of the time the user (spammer) fills both fields with "Grantbiz".

I just can't figure out the objective.  None of the messages try to direct me to a URL and the system doesn't allow the attachment of files so there's no chance of distributing malware.  I even considered they might be trying to overwhelm some enemy's mailbox (because the system sends a confirmation email to the address entered by the user) but nearly all of the supposed sender email addresses are different.

Any ideas on what might be the spammer's angle?

Also, before you ask, I do not have a CAPTCHA control on the page.  Prior to now, I never felt the need.  It's now on my to-do list.



Sounds like someone who might just want to be a pest and crash your mailbox by it being full of nonsense. Additionally some hackers out there they try to get the attention of people to plug problems like this by pointing out the problem my making the person at the other end see the fall out of such a problem.

Biggest thing is its someone out there with a script that is autofilling info and sending over and over again. Best block to this is a Captcha unfortunatelty.