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Hardware / Re: portable HD is messed up
Last post by Novel8 - June 19, 2024, 06:37:19 AM
I believe i said in a previous post that only the usb drive was detected.
Hardware / Re: portable HD is messed up
Last post by Lisa_maree - June 18, 2024, 10:29:49 PM
Sorry i missed read your post , Yes you are running the pro version so if your drive is detected it should show it's health.
Hardware / Re: portable HD is messed up
Last post by Novel8 - June 18, 2024, 05:25:24 PM
This is crazy. I just opened my dell laptop and noticed the first thing i saw was HD Sentinel asking me if I want to run it. I thought i did the other day, The one thing i did notice is that it was the  H D Sentinel Pro. I definitely did not download that version, unless of course if the one i did download, the unlimited trial version was the Pro version. If it was, it did not say it was the ro version, also why would they offer the Pro version as unlimited trial version? I did not install it.
Hardware / Re: portable HD is messed up
Last post by Novel8 - June 18, 2024, 12:21:46 PM
PERHAPS MY WORDING WAS INCORRECT; i DOWNLOADED THE PROGRAM FROM ANOTHER PC ONTO MY USB DRIVE, WHICH I IN TURN INSTALLED IT ON MY LAPTOP VIA THE USB DRIVE. iS THAT THE SAME THING AS DOING IT FROM THE USB DRIVE? as for the Dos version...I made sure NOT to download it and the unlimited trial version was just above that and that was the one I downloaded and used.Now if the DOS is that trial version I have no way of knowing. I went to that second link and saw nothing that resembled a download of anything.
Hardware / Re: portable HD is messed up
Last post by Lisa_maree - June 17, 2024, 09:14:10 PM
If you are running the program from a usb drive I suspect you downloaded the Dos version which doesn't support many drives as it is very old.
You need to run the software from Windows using the version from here
It will run for 14 days
Hardware / Re: portable HD is messed up
Last post by Novel8 - June 17, 2024, 06:56:17 PM
I used the unlimited trial version with both the HD in question and a usb drive where i downloaded the program. It only asked me if I want it to check my usb drive, and I said No, but it did not mention anything about my other drive. Perhaps it was not acknowledged, and if that being the case then I guess the HD is no good.
Hardware / Issue trying to copy/clone dat...
Last post by keyven - June 17, 2024, 06:27:00 AM
I've tried multiple ways - Windows copy and third-party cloning software.

In every situation, the process bar will just stop at some point and never move beyond that. Like if I use a Partition/Disk Clone, it just copies 20% (exactly 37,538mb) then stays there for literally one and a half days. (left it running in office over the weekend).
I tried it again, and within less than 30 minutes, it copied till exactly the same spot and refused to go any further.

When I try to do a Repair Corrupted Partition, it's been stuck at 95% for almost 2 hours now.

It's not like the PC hangs or anything like it's struggling to handle the load. I can move windows, click on buttons, run everything else smoothly.

Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you.
Hardware / Re: portable HD is messed up
Last post by Lisa_maree - June 16, 2024, 07:15:48 PM
How you un mount a drive depends on what device you have the drive plugged into. On a PC you select the usb device in the right corner of the windows screen then right mouse click on the usb device and select eject  what ever the device is called.
Hardware / Re: portable HD is messed up
Last post by Novel8 - June 16, 2024, 06:27:51 AM
Thank you...I went to that link and its a bit confusing...Prof, standard, and one that says to use both, standard/Prof. Anyway I chose trial version. I never had partitioned or format the drive. I assumed that as long as there were a movie on it, it was prepared. As for viewing the recording, I was able to view them on both, the desktop and TV. What do you mean by unmounting?
Hardware / Re: portable HD is messed up
Last post by Lisa_maree - June 15, 2024, 10:00:36 PM
You could download an evaluation copy of HD Sentinal from here
This will check the drive health and tell you at a hardware level if the drive is failing.
There is really many reasons a external hard drive won't read in more than 1 device. It is possible the PVR and LG TV don't support the power requirements  of your drive. Hd sentinel can tell you the current draw of your drive.
Also the drive will be formatted FAT 32 to be compatible with the TV this is limited to files of 2 GB or less is size.
If you disconnect the drive without properly un mounting it is very easy to corrupt the drive and make the files unreadable.
Also normally with recording TV it is restricted to only playing back on the device it is recorded on.
You may need to re partition the drive and re format it providing the HD sentinel shows the drive as being ok.