Does the SSL cert's country code entry have to match the hosts ...

Started by marxengels, April 21, 2016, 07:54:09 AM

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marxengels and currency derived location ?
I've installed a windows trial server 2012r2 in English and set the location or rather the date & currency format to Dutch Nederlands because in Belgium where i am only azerty with either Dutch or French is allowed by default at least , yes i know what a bummer, to think that years and years ago they slit people's throats here for getting the pronunciation wrong, andd that meant you was probably linguistically frenchized... anyways .
I'm about to create a self signed cert but the default location of the server and the cert's initial entry is NL , my geotrust cert is assigned to BE (anyways and it's in PEM format for Apache) , so i want to create my own for testing purposes but i'm facing yet again another location dilemma . If i go change the location of server to Belgium will it revert my keyboard to azerty and possibly conflict with language  ?

The irony such technology that's meant to liberate educate and uplift people is bogged down by politics, bureaucracy and ethnic pride.

Weep with me : ( ... ....

Thank you , in advance ; )
no not for weeping for helping  :-*


Are you saying your server change location changes your keyboard layout ? ?

If so that's a new one on me...
You have the option to switch it BTW...
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "


It would seem taht Windows 10 does country code and kuboard layout in a new way. Here is just one of many things found in a Google search.
Location of Windows 10 - Change for when Abroad
How to Change Region Location of Windows 10 for when Abroad
Published by Kari   -  05 Sep 2015

I am from Finland, living in Germany, using Windows in English with Finnish keyboard layout. Yet, when using various online services I by default get everything in German. It's frustrating.
But here is more...
The above link has language we don't use here.

The easy way is to learn Dvorak
I couldn't figure out how). This royally pissed me off, as I much prefer Dvorak. So, simple solution, I go through and turn off all keyboards except Dvorak, and voila! the problem seems to be solved.
For more like this, Google:
windows 10- keyboard layout problems

Hope this is of some help.   :-\

patio's WQin Server 2012///also he still can change his keyboard layout...
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "