WDS standalone on Server 2008 R2

Started by misterbux, December 20, 2016, 11:56:49 PM

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Good Day All,
I had completely setup the standalone WDS server. Only WDS transport role is installed. DHCP and DNS in separate server and also no AD. When I'm trying to run windows setup on client PC, the error appear as screenshot attched. Appreciate your advise to solve this issue. Thank you.

[attachment deleted by admin to conserve space]


I have injected the winpe 3 network driver to boot.wim, but the error still same. For your information, I'm trying to run the windows setup by using Dell optiplex 755 PC.

As for the server, i'm using windows server 2008 r2 and setup by following this toturial http://deploymentresearch.com/Research/Post/226/DemofromMMS2011UsingWDSwithoutActiveDirectoryConfiguringastandaloneWDS .

Appreciate your advise. Thank you.