BOINC Processsing System #13 - Duct Tape for the Win

Started by DaveLembke, December 09, 2015, 09:00:09 AM

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While getting some more systems online running BOINC, I had 12 of 16 systems running it and this 13th one a Dell Inspiron 530 Core 2 Duo E4500 2.2Ghz needed a power supply as well as RAM. Looking through parts I had on hand without spending money, I found that the Dell Dimension E310 has the newer 24-pin power supply for the power hungry last generation Pentium 4 HT 3Ghz socket 775 in it and so I removed the power supply from the case. Also whoever had the E310 before me upgraded it to 2GB DDR2 667Mhz RAM,so the RAM also was installed into the better system.

Only problem is that while functionally its a perfect match for power specs and a healthy power supply, the 24 pin cable is too short. Was almost going to stuff it into the 5.25" bay and plug power into it at its front, but decided to just rest it on top of the case laying on its side and duct tape it there. It doesnt need to be pretty to process.

So now System #13 has a fitting name to the horror that it is with Duct Tape. I have it crunching running Linux Mint 17.1 and running BOINC on a 4GB bootable USB  stick.  :P

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