Duplicate Items on Navigation Pane

Started by Michael, February 04, 2024, 04:05:26 AM

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I have recently (and finally) switched to Windows 10 after my old motherboard caused issue to the RAM. In the past, I have limited experience with Windows 10 on other computers. Now that I have to use it on a daily basis, there are certainly things that I need to get use to.

Of all the new things, one bothers me the most, which is the inability to customise the Navigation Pane. Not only that, but all my HDDs, both internal and exteranal, as well as the partitions in them, show inside and outside of This PC. I wonder why there are the "duplicates" outside This PC. Is there anyway to remove them? As they are not listed by drive letters, I would prefer to keep those inside This PC and not those outside.
