Windows 3.11 WFW start problem - SYSTEM.INI

Started by MIRKOSOFT, August 15, 2018, 04:23:03 PM

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I installed MS-DOS 7.10 and then Windows 3.11 for Workgroups.
All was correctly installed, when I rebooted computer and typed WIN, Windows logo shows and after moment it reports error message:

PageOverCommit error in SYSTEM.INI
Decrease value or if not exist, create new and set less than 4

I opened SYSTEM.INI and found that value not, so I created line:

PageOverCommit = 1

then tried to start Windows again and the same mesage appears...

Can me anybody explain what a problem it is and how to fix it?

Thank you for each help.


The line needs to be in the [386 Enh] section of the INI file.

The error is because you have too much RAM. (More than 256MB).
I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


Thank you very much!

Now it is solved.
Windows works.

Thank you again.