Web Server Setup Help

Started by bob1286, March 02, 2016, 09:43:28 AM

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Trying too setup a Web Server, for the local Radio Station I work at.  I have Web Server 2008 R installed, IIS 6 which, I can't seem too update and not sure what I need too do to make the Index file show, when I go to enter it in the browser


Welcome to the forum.
Please provide some additional information about how far along you are in the project. Do you already have a website up and running? Also, you should let us know something about your prior experience in setting up any kind of website.
Without that information, let me guess about who you are and what you're doing. Likely I'm wrong.
let's say you are a radio engineer with several years experience in a him or FM radio broadcasting. Maybe even a little bit of television. But up to now you have not done much with the Internet and Web servers. Possibly you have some skills with the computers and programming and do some of the things needed by your radio station for the administration of the business.
At the present time, the most practical and economical way to get a web presence is simply it somebody else do it for you. For reasonable fees somebody will set up a server somewhere and put your stuff on it and make you a nice basic business presence on the Internet. Of course, you will have control over the content and management of the Web server. But the Web servers really a machine that is shared by several different people, each one with their own private account. You will access your part of the server through both HTML and FTP programs. The monthly fee for such a fervent services quite reasonable compared to some of the other business services that you have paid each month. Likely the Web server would cost you each month about the same as you pay for your Internet connection or your telephone service. In other words, somewhere between $25-$100 a month. At that price level you can afford to spend much of your own personal time getting into figure out how the thing works.
Now then, that was my wild guess. I do hope you really have a lot more experience and that you know what you are doing.
As for myself, I have had several years in commercial AM broadcasting and I would never attempt to bring up a server all by myself. I've always used services provided by others. Therefore I am not qualified to give you any information about how to bring up a Windows server. Maybe Linux, because I'm accustomed to Linux. But not Windows.
That's about as much as I can offer.
(Please excuse errors. To save time I use voice to text.)


Quote from: Geek-9pm on March 02, 2016, 11:49:21 AM
Welcome to the forum.
Please provide some additional information about how far along you are in the project. Do you already have a website up and running? Also, you should let us know something about your prior experience in setting up any kind of website.
Without that information, let me guess about who you are and what you're doing. Likely I'm wrong.
let's say you are a radio engineer with several years experience in a him or FM radio broadcasting. Maybe even a little bit of television. But up to now you have not done much with the Internet and Web servers. Possibly you have some skills with the computers and programming and do some of the things needed by your radio station for the administration of the business.
At the present time, the most practical and economical way to get a web presence is simply it somebody else do it for you. For reasonable fees somebody will set up a server somewhere and put your stuff on it and make you a nice basic business presence on the Internet. Of course, you will have control over the content and management of the Web server. But the Web servers really a machine that is shared by several different people, each one with their own private account. You will access your part of the server through both HTML and FTP programs. The monthly fee for such a fervent services quite reasonable compared to some of the other business services that you have paid each month. Likely the Web server would cost you each month about the same as you pay for your Internet connection or your telephone service. In other words, somewhere between $25-$100 a month. At that price level you can afford to spend much of your own personal time getting into figure out how the thing works.
Now then, that was my wild guess. I do hope you really have a lot more experience and that you know what you are doing.
As for myself, I have had several years in commercial AM broadcasting and I would never attempt to bring up a server all by myself. I've always used services provided by others. Therefore I am not qualified to give you any information about how to bring up a Windows server. Maybe Linux, because I'm accustomed to Linux. But not Windows.
That's about as much as I can offer.
(Please excuse errors. To save time I use voice to text.)

We have a site but, it's not running any where else.  I have experience with coding HTML.

I actually, don't handle the broadcasting part of the Station, I help keep the unit's running that do and most of it is through Satellite.  I have a background, in basic networking, wireless and server 2008. 


Does anyone know cause, I would like too get this running soon and need the money.