Months of research, done!

Started by Ronick, August 19, 2015, 07:27:28 PM

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Here we go! Only problem i came by was that the case was HUGE (I didn't look closely enough at specs :P)

-Rosewill THOR V2-W
-Acer H6 21.5"
-Intel core i7 4790
-ASRock Fatal1ty Z97 Professional
-Rosewill ARC-M650 650W
-Western Digital Blue 1 Tb 7200RPM
-G.Skill ripjaws X series (2x 4Gb)

Built, booted, and updated! Total cost was about $1100. Runs fast with the bottleneck at the HDD. The CPU itself can get 30 fps with mediocre graphics. Future upgrades will likely be SSD ~100-250Gb, larger/more HDDs, GTX 9xx series (possibly SLI). The only question is if the PSU can handle my upgrades. A power calculator put it at just under 500 without SLI. So I might need a slight upgrade if I go SLI later.


Just integrated, not terrible honestly.  I will be getting a gpu later on I'm just not sure what I'll be getting. I want to get 1 or 2 gtx 900 series.


Just realized I forgot to answer a question you had. As far as power supply goes. I have one system with a Rosewill Bronze 80 600 watt and while the power supply works, I dont have much trust in it. It came bundled with a older gaming system that I picked up for free that the prior owner bought a power supply for it and went low cost. I heard that the prior owner was complaining that it costs $20 at his local dump to get rid of his computer, so I offered to take it away for free as for the huge gaming case alone was worth saving.

I personally dont have much faith in Rosewill products, I have run into quality issues with their products. When you plan on getting the video cards, I would also plan on getting a better power supply from Corsair, XFX, or EVGA. If the Rosewill fails due to quality issues you could smoke your entire system, thats why having a reliable and quality brand power supply I feel is the most necessary part of any computer build or power supply replacement.


I'm not overly familiar with that Rosewill unit, you would need to look at proper tests to see how it performs.  However, I wouldn't tar all Rosewill PSUs with the same brush and fob them off as being bad.  Rosewill PSUs are all rebrands of other units, sure some of them are terrible but thier higher end units such as their Capstone models are built by SuperFlower and are fantastic units while being cheaper than the same SuperFlower branded unit.  You just need to take care and check what the model you are buying is