Started by Jeffrey, February 09, 2017, 02:56:19 AM

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My computer was completely blocked a few days ago.

Had message to say my computer had been hacked, passwords, bank info etc in danger and that I should contact "MS" asap (telephone number given). Message kept repeating ad nauseam!.

I turned off computer using power button and did not use computer for a couple of days.

On restarting the computer was unblocked and oK to use.

I have done Malawarebytes scan and full MS Security Essentials and everything seems ok.

I am concerned that the hackers may somehow have gained access to my computer and are capable of hacking into passwords, bank info despite these scans being ok.

Am I right to still be concerned? If there is still   a possibility of hidden problems is there anything else I can do?

Lastly, MWB and Security Essentials don't seem to have prevented this hacking - probably for ransomware. Is there anything I can download to prevent this happening again?


What you saw was likely running within a web page. It's unlikely anything was compromised, the intent is to get people to call the number, whereupon they "fix" your problem by using arbitrary command prompt commands and looking in services and event viewer and showing you a number of error events and claiming it was malware, then getting you to pay to fix it.
I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


Now would be a good time to make a plan to manage your passwords and other critical private data.
Spend some time changing passwords of every account you have that might be important. Reduce the amount of private information you put into account profiles.

At the present time  no password system is foolproof. Still, it makes sense to make it hard for others to find your passwords. Avoid using the same password on many accounts. And write downs you passwords in a place where yum can find them. Maybe on the wall of the linen closet.

Also,  use of backup and restore options can help. You can boot your system with a recovery DVD and go back to a day before the ransom attack. But this is something you have to already have set up beforehand.

Here is some info about how to do it in Windows 10.

Help that is of some help.  :)