James Martin
Updated: 12/01/2019 by Computer Hope

Name: James Martin
Born: October 19, 1933, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, England
Death: June 24, 2013 (Age: 79)
Computer-related contributions
- Father of CASE (Computer Aided Systems Engineering).
- Co-founded DDI (Database Design Inc.).
- Author of 105 textbooks, many of which were highly influential in the IT (Information Technology) industry.
Significant publications
- The Meaning of the 21st century (2006).
- Information Engineering, Book I: Introduction (1989).
- Technology's Crucible (1987).
- Local Area Networks (1994).
- Rapid Application Development (1991).
- The Wired Society: A Challenge for Tomorrow (1978) (Nominated for the Pulitzer Prize).