Computer file extensions - L

Updated: 06/30/2019 by Computer Hope

Below is a listing of each of the different file extensions that begin with the letter "L." If you are looking for a file extension that starts with a different letter, click the corresponding beginning letter below.

.LBM Interchange file format file.
.LDF LuraDocument file.
.LGC Program use log file for Windows program use optimization.
.LGO Contains the code for displaying the screen logo.
.LHA Compressed file extracted and used with various compression utilities.
.LIB Program library file.
.LOG A log file containing the process or history of the steps. For example, when running ScanDisk, it will keep a scandisk.log of what occurred.
.LNK Windows shortcut or an HTML (HyperText Markup Language) link file used with Microsoft Internet Explorer.
.LWF LuraWave file.
.LWP Lotus Wordpro 96 and 97 file.
.LZH Compressed file extracted and used with compression utilities.