Magic link
Magic link may refer to any of the following:

1. A magic link is a clickable object sent to users, usually via e-mail. More specifically, it's a secure and unique URL (uniform resource locator) or hyperlink granting a user access to an online area or resource without needing a username and password. Magic links are primarily used for authentication and account verification in applications and websites.
While magic links are a convenient and user-friendly alternative to traditional sign-in credentials, they also come with security risks. For example, if someone gains access to a user's e-mail account, they could use magic links to access associated services. Exercise caution and verify e-mail sources before clicking links in e-mail messages. If you didn't request the magic link, delete the e-mail and don't interact with the link.

2. Originally introduced in 1994, the Magic Link was a PDA (personal digital assistant) developed by Sony. Also called a Personal Intelligent Communicator, the Magic Link could send and receive data via modem and ran on the Magic Cap operating system.
Application, Digital assistant, E-mail, Handheld, Hardware terms, Internet terms, Obsolete, Palm Pilot, Phishing, Website