Marc Andreessen
Updated: 09/15/2017 by Computer Hope

Name: Marc L. Andreessen
Born: July 9, 1971
Computer-related contributions
- Co-author of NCSA Mosaic, the first widely-used web browser.
- Co-Founder of Netscape Communications Corporation best known for Netscape Navigator, its web browser. Netscape developed the SSL (secure sockets layer) protocol for securing online communication, and JavaScript, the most widely-used language for client-side scripting of web pages.
- Founded software company Opsware.
- Co-Founder of Ning, a company that provides a platform for social networking websites.
- Sits on the board of directors for Facebook, eBay, and HP (Hewlett-Packard).
Honors and awards
- One of only six inductees in the World Wide Web Hall of Fame.