Marcian Hoff
Updated: 11/16/2019 by Computer Hope

Name: Marcian Edward "Ted" Hoff, Jr.
Born: October 28, 1937, Rochester, New York
Computer-related contributions
- One of the inventors of the microprocessor.
- Came up with the idea of using a "universal processor" rather than various custom-designed circuits.
- Hoff joined Intel in 1967 as employee number 12.
- His insight started the microprocessor revolution in the early 1970s.
- As part of his Ph.D. dissertation, he co-invented the least mean squares filter with Bernard Widrow.
Honors and awards
- IEEE/RSE Wolfson James Clerk Maxwell Award (2011).
- Received the National Medal of Technology and Innovation (2009).
- Made a Fellow of the Computer History Museum (2009).
- Franklin Institute Certificate of Merit (1996).
- Named the first Intel Fellow, which is the highest technical position in the company. (1985).
- IEEE Cledo Brunetti Award (1980).
- Franklin Institute Stuart Ballantine Medal (1979).
- Awarded the Stuart Ballantine Medal (1979).
- One of the Westinghouse Science Talent Search (now Intel STS) finalists (1954).