
Updated: 11/12/2023 by Computer Hope
Nidec company logo

Founded in 1973 by Shigenobu Nagamori, Nidec is a hardware manufacturer that specializes in various types of motors. Their motors range in size from small servo motors used in computer hard drives to large electric vehicle motors. In addition to their electric motors, Nidec also sells pressure and liquid leak sensors, and other components for home appliances like fridges and washing machines.

Contact information

Support: Nidec product inquiry page
Fax: None or unknown
Website: Nidec official website
E-mail: Nidec contact form
Address: Nidec Corporation
338 Kuzetonoshiro-cho,
Minami-ku, Kyoto 601-8205, Japan
Stock: 6594 (TYO)

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