
Updated: 02/04/2024 by Computer Hope
Oracle logo

Founded on June 16, 1977 by Larry Ellison, Robert Miner, and Ed Oates. Oracle is a company that specializes in hardware and software enterprise products for database management systems.

Contact information

Phone: (800) 633-0738
Alt phone: (650) 506-7000
Global numbers: Oracle global contacts
Fax: (650) 633-1269
Fax on demand: (800) 758-5804
TDD: None or unknown
Website: Oracle official website
E-mail: Oracle contact page
Address: Oracle Corporation
500 Oracle Parkway
Redwood Shores, CA 94065
Stock: ORCL

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Company news

January 5, 2016 - AddThis was sold to Oracle.

January 27, 2010 - Oracle announced it had completed the acquisition of Sun Microsystems.