Peter Denning
Updated: 11/16/2019 by Computer Hope
Name: Peter James Denning
Born: January 6, 1942, in New York, USA
Computer-related contributions
- American computer scientist and writer.
- Best known for his pioneering work in virtual memory.
- Invented the working-set model for program behavior which became the reference standard for all memory management policies.
- Known for his work on operational analysis of queueing network systems, principles of operating systems, the ACM digital library, and the design and implementation of CSNET. Famously codified the great principles of computing.
Significant publications
- Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing (2013).
- The Innovator's Way: Essential Practices for Successful Innovation (2012).
- The Invisible Future: The Seamless Integration of Technology Into Everyday Life (2001).
- Talking Back to the Machine: Computers and Human Aspiration (1999).
- Internet Besieged: Countering Cyberspace Scofflaws (1997).
- Computers Under Attack: Intruders, Worms and Viruses (1990).
Honors and awards
- Internet Society Postel Service Award.
- ACM Karlstrom Educator Award.
- ACM SIGCSE Lifetime Educator.
- ACM Disting. Service Award.
- CRA Disting. Service Award.
- NSF Disting. Education Fellow.
- SIGOPS Hall of Fame.
"Computation is the principle; the computer is the tool."
"All speech is free. It's just the consequences that get you."