
Pidgin is an open-source, multi-platform instant messaging client that runs on many OS (operating systems), including Unix, BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution), OS X, Linux, and Microsoft Windows. It supports most commonly-used instant messaging protocols, such as Bonjour, IRC (Internet Relay Chat), MyspaceIM, Microsoft Messenger Service, Novell Groupwise, Google Talk, and Facebook Chat. Using Pidgin, contacts on different chat services can be grouped seamlessly within a single interface.
Pidgin incorporates many modern IM (instant messenger) client features. It includes buddy lists, conversation logging, file transfers, tabbed conversations, customizable text formatting, automated scripts, themes, graphic emoticons, voice, and video chat.
Its functionality can be extended with plugins, allowing for end-to-end encrypted messaging, skype text chat, and others.
Bonjour, Google Talk, Linux, Messenger, Network terms, Open-source, Skype, Software terms, Unix, Windows