3COM Palm Pilot help and support
The Palm OS platform and Palm Pilot devices were created by UsRobotics. However, because UsRobotics operations are now handled by 3COM, 3COM is releasing Palm Pilots after the Palm Pilot Professional.
The Palm Pilots are a handheld devices that fit into the palm of your hand. These devices allow for an end-user to store information such as phone numbers, addresses, dates, notes, and other useful items. The device connects to your computer, which allows information to be transferred from your computer to your Palm Pilot. Because of its size the device has no keyboard instead uses a method of writing called 'Graffiti' shown on this page.
Below is the Graffiti alphabet and how information is placed into the Palm Pilot with the stylus. The bold dot on each of these letters indicate the starting location of how to begin the letter.
Palm Pilot versions
Below is a listing of the various Palm Pilots currently available to the public.
Palm Pilot 1000
Palm Pilot 5000
Palm Pilot Personal
RAM | 2 MB |
RAM Upgrade | Yes |
Power | 2 AAA's |
Palm Pilot Professional
RAM | 2 MB |
RAM Upgrade | Yes |
Power | 2 AAA's |
Palm III
RAM | 2 MB |
RAM Upgrade | Yes |
Power | 2 AAA's |
Palm IIIx
RAM | 4 MB |
RAM Upgrade | Yes |
Power | 2 AAA's |
Palm V
RAM | 2 MB |
RAM Upgrade | No |
Power | Lithium-ion Rechargeable |
Palm VII
RAM | 2 MB |
RAM Upgrade | Yes |
Power | 2 AAA's |