PowerShell commands

Updated: 03/10/2024 by Computer Hope

A listing of the more widely-used PowerShell commands and a brief explanation about each command is provided below. Some commands can be referenced by an alias or cmdlet name, while other commands can only be referenced by a cmdlet name.

PowerShell commands by alias and cmdlet

Command alias Cmdlet name Description
ac Add-Content Add content, like text, to a file.
cat Get-Content Get the contents of a file.
cd Set-Location Set a specific directory, or location, as the working directory.
chdir Set-Location Set a specific directory, or location, as the working directory.
clc Clear-Content Delete, or clears, the contents of a specified object, like a file, but leaves the object itself.
clear Clear-Host Clear the screen, or display, of the host application.
cli Clear-Item Delete, or clear, the contents of a specified object, like a file, but leaves the object itself.
clp Clear-ItemProperty Delete the contents, or value, of a property, but leaves the property itself.
cls Clear-Host Clear the screen, or display, of the host application.
clv Clear-Variable Delete the contents, or value, of a variable.
cnsn Connect-PSSession Reconnect to a disconnected PowerShell session.
compare Compare-Object Compare the contents of two objects.
copy Copy-Item Copy an object, like a file, from one directory, or location, to another directory.
cp Copy-Item Copy an object, like a file, from one directory, or location, to another directory.
cpi Copy-Item Copy an object, like a file, from one directory, or location, to another directory.
curl Invoke-WebRequest Retrieve content, like images and text, from a web page.
dbp Disable-PSBreakpoint Disable breakpoints in the PowerShell console.
del Remove-Item Delete an object, like a file or folder.
diff Compare-Object Compare the contents of two objects.
dir Get-ChildItem Display a list of objects in a specific directory or drive.
dnsn Disconnect-PSSession Disconnect from a PowerShell session.
ebp Enable-PSBreakpoint Enable breakpoints in the PowerShell console.
echo Write-Output Sends the output of a command to the next command for execution. Or displays the output to the screen if it's the last command to be executed.
epcsv Export-Csv Convert data into comma-separated value strings, then save the strings to a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file.
erase Remove-Item Delete an object, like a file or folder.
etsn Enter-PSSession Start a remote connection to another computer.
exsn Exit-PSSession End a remote connection to another computer.
foreach ForEach-Object Loop through a set of objects, executing commands against each object.
ft Format-Table Formats the output of a command into a table.
gal Get-Alias Get the aliases for the current PowerShell session.
gc Get-Content Get the contents of a file.
gci Get-ChildItem Display a list of objects in a specific directory or drive.
gcm Get-Command Get all PowerShell commands.
ghy Get-History Get a list of all PowerShell commands used during the current PowerShell session.
gjb Get-Job Display, or get, a list of all background jobs running in the current PowerShell session.
gl Get-Location Get information about the current directory or another specified directory.
gm Get-Member Get the properties and methods associated with a specific object.
gp Get-ItemProperty Get the properties of a specific object.
gps Get-Process Get a list of processes that are running on a computer.
gsnp Get-PSSnapIn Get a list of PowerShell snap-ins that are installed on a computer.
gsv Get-Service Get a list of services that are running on a computer.
gu Get-Unique Get a list of unique values from a sorted list of values.
h Get-History Get a list of all PowerShell commands used during the current PowerShell session.
history Get-History Get a list of all PowerShell commands used during the current PowerShell session.
icm Invoke-Command Execute a command on a local or remote computer.
iex Invoke-Expression Execute a command or expression on a local computer.
ihy Invoke-History Execute a command previously run during the current PowerShell session.
ipal Import-Alias Import aliases from a file.
ipmo Import-Module Import a module into the current PowerShell session.
irm Invoke-RestMethod Execute REST (Representational State Transfer) web service call, from an HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) or HTTPS request.
iwr Invoke-WebRequest Retrieve content, like images and text, from a web page.
kill Stop-Process Stop a running process on a computer.
lp Out-Printer Send data to a printer for printing.
ls Get-ChildItem Display a list of objects in a specific directory or drive.
man help Display information about available PowerShell commands.
md mkdir Create a new directory in the current or specified directory.
measure Measure-Object Counts the number of characters, words, and lines in a file or string of text.
mi Move-Item Move an object from one directory to another directory.
mount New-PSDrive Create a mapped drive using network storage.
move Move-Item Move an object from one directory to another directory.
mv Move-Item Move an object from one directory to another directory.
nal New-Alias Create a new alias.
ndr New-PSDrive Create a mapped drive using network storage.
ni New-Item Create a new object based on its location, like a file or folder in a file system, or a registry key in the system registry.
nsn New-PSSession Create a new, persistent connection to a computer.
nv New-Variable Create a new variable for the current PowerShell session.
oh Out-Host Send data output to the host computer's command line.
ps Get-Process Get a list of processes that are running on a computer.
pwd Get-Location Get information about the current directory or another specified directory.
rbp Remove-PSBreakpoint Delete a breakpoint in the PowerShell console.
rcsn Receive-PSSession Get the results from a command run in a disconnected PowerShell session.
rd Remove-Item Delete an object, like a file or folder.
rdr Remove-PSDrive Delete drive or disconnect mounted network drive from current PowerShell session.
ren Rename-Item Rename an object in the current PowerShell session.
ri Remove-Item Delete an object, like a file or folder.
rjb Remove-Job Delete a job in the PowerShell background.
rm Remove-Item Delete an object, like a file or folder.
rmdir Remove-Item Delete an object, like a file or folder.
rni Rename-Item Rename an object in the current PowerShell session.
rsn Remove-PSSession Close a PowerShell session.
rv Remove-Variable Delete a variable and the value stored in the variable.
sajb Start-Job Start a job in the PowerShell background.
saps Start-Process Start a process on the local computer.
sasv Start-Service Start a service that is currently stopped on a computer.
sbp Set-PSBreakpoint Create a breakpoint at a specific command, line, or variable in the PowerShell console.
sc Set-Content Replace a file's contents with the specified content.
select Select-Object Select an object in the PowerShell session.
set Set-Variable Set a value to an existing variable, or create a new variable with a specified value if the variable does not exist.
spsv Stop-Service Stop a service that is currently running on a computer.

PowerShell commands by cmdlet only

Cmdlet name Description
# Comment a line of code, to not execute it.
& Execute a PowerShell command, function, or script.
Break Immediately exit a for, foreach, do, or other program loops.
Debug-Process Add debugging to a host process.
Enable-PSRemoting Execute a PowerShell command on a remote computer.
Export-Console Export the configuration of the console to a file.
For Loop through a set of items that meet specific conditions.
ForEach Loops through all items in a set of items.
Get-Culture Get regional information about the local computer, including language.
Get-Date Get the current date and time on the local computer.
Get-Event Get all events from the event queue of the PowerShell session.
Get-Host Get PowerShell version and region information from the host computer.
Invoke-Command Execute a command on a local or remote computer.
New-Event Create a new event in the PowerShell session.
New-Object Create a .NET object.
Out-File Send output of a command to a specific file.
Pause Pause commands or entire program. Display message "Press Enter to continue."
PowerShell Start a PowerShell session or run a PowerShell script.
Register-ScheduledJob Create a scheduled job on a computer.
Restart-Service Stop, then start a service.
Remove-Event Delete an event from the event queue of the PowerShell session.
Send-MailMessage Send an e-mail message.
Set-Date Set the date and time on the local computer.
Test-Path Test if a specific path exists. Returns "true" if path exists or "false" if path does not exist.
Try - Catch Try executing code and handle any error that occurs.
Unregister-ScheduledJob Delete a scheduled job on a computer.
While Loop through a set of items while a condition is met.
Write-Host Send custom output to the host computer or display.
Write-Progress Display a progress bar on the screen.
Zipfile Compress files into a Zip file or extract files from a Zip file.