Richard Feynman
Updated: 12/31/2020 by Computer Hope

Name: Richard Phillips Feynman
Born: May 11, 1918, in Far Rockaway, Queens, New York, USA
Death: February 15, 1988 (Age: 69)
Computer related contributions
- American theoretical physicist. Known for his work in particle physics, quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics, and the physics of supercooled liquid helium.
- Proposed the parton model.
- Developed a widely used pictorial representation scheme for the mathematical expressions governing the behavior of subatomic particles, which became known as Feynman diagrams.
- Assisted in the development of the atomic bomb and was a member of the panel that investigated the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.
- Credited with pioneering the field of quantum computing.
- Introduced the concept of nanotechnology.
- Became one of the best-known scientists in the world.
Significant publications
- No Ordinary Genius: The Illustrated Richard Feynman (1996).
- Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant Teacher (1994).
- What Do You Care What Other People Think? (1988).
- Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! (1985).
Honors and awards
- National Medal of Science (1979).
- Oersted Medal (1972).
- Nobel Prize in Physics (1965).
- E. O. Lawrence Award (1962).
- Albert Einstein Award (1954).
- Ranked as one of the ten greatest physicists of all time in a 1999 poll of 130 leading physicists worldwide by the British journal Physics World.
- Held the Richard Chace Tolman professorship in theoretical physics at the California Institute of Technology.