
Updated: 03/10/2024 by Computer Hope
Right-click menu

Sometimes abbreviated as RMB (Right Mouse Button), the right-click is pressing down on the right mouse button. The right-click provides additional functionality to a computer's mouse, usually as a context menu containing additional options.

For example, right-click highlighted text for the context menu and select Copy to copy it to the clipboard. Once copied, paste that text into another field or document, which can also be done with right-click. The image shows an example of the right-click menu in Microsoft Word.


If you have switched your mouse buttons, the right-click would become a left-click.

What finger is used to right-click?

Your index finger should be on the left mouse button, and your middle finger should be on the right mouse button. To right-click, press your middle finger down on the right mouse button.

How to right-click on a laptop

On a laptop, if two buttons are below the touchpad, pressing the right button will execute the right-click action. If there are no buttons below the touchpad, press the bottom right of the touchpad to perform the right-click action.


If you have an Apple laptop or Chromebook, see the additional notes below about those laptops.

How to right-click on an Apple computer

Users with an Apple Macintosh computer with only one mouse button can right-click any item by pressing the Control key and then clicking the mouse button. Trackpad users can also adjust their settings to use two fingers to Secondary click (right-click).

How to right-click on a Chromebook

On a Chromebook, you can right-click by touching (tapping) the touchpad with two fingers.

How to right-click without the mouse

Users running Microsoft Windows can also use the keyboard shortcut Shift+F10 to right-click in most programs or press the Menu key on Windows keyboards.

How do I adjust the right-click settings?

Apart from changing the buttons, there are no additional right-click settings in the mouse properties.

How to right-click on a smartphone or tablet

Because an Android smartphone or tablet, an iPhone, and an iPad use your finger as its input device, there is no ability to right-click. However, most phones can perform many of the same actions by pressing and holding your finger on an object. For example, to copy an image from a website on a computer, right-click the image. On a smartphone, press and hold your finger on the image until a menu appears, then select copy.

Click, Computer acronyms, Double-click, Field, Mouse terms, Right, TLA