Snap may refer to any of the following:

1. An Ethernet networking protocol. For additional information about SNAP, see our Ethernet definition.
2. Snap, also called Smart Window, is a feature introduced in Microsoft Windows 7 that allows users to view two windows side-by-side without resizing the window.
To snap a window to the left, press Windows key+←. To snap a window to the right, press Windows key+→.
3. Snap (Snap Inc.) is the company behind Snapchat.
4. When describing a mouse setting, Snap To is a mouse property that automatically moves the mouse pointer to the default button in a dialog box. In other words, whenever a dialog box appears, the mouse automatically moves to one of its buttons (e.g., the OK button). This setting is found in the Mouse Properties window under the Pointer Options tab.
5. In Microsoft Windows 8, a snapped app is any app that is snapped to the right or left side of the screen. To snap an app, click-and-drag the top of the app to the left or right side of the screen.