Solid-ink printer

Updated: 10/01/2023 by Computer Hope
Katun solid ink for Xerox solid-ink printers.

A solid-ink printer is a computer printer introduced in the late 1980s that utilizes wax-based ink sticks instead of liquid like today's inkjet printers. To apply the ink, the printer heats the wax sticks until they melt, and then the molten ink is sprayed onto paper, where it solidifies. Howtek, Dataproducts, Tektronix, and Xerox are examples of companies that manufacture and sell solid-ink printers. The picture shows an example of a yellow solid ink ColorQube for the Xerox 8570 solid-ink printer from Katun.


These types of printers may also be called solid inkjet printers or phase-change inkjet printers. The solid ink they use may also be called hot melt ink.

Advantages of solid-ink printers

  • Able to produce very vibrant colors.
  • Because the ink is solid, it does not require a plastic cartridge.
  • The wax cannot dry out like a standard ink cartridge.
  • The melted ink creates a glossy surface when printed.

Disadvantages of solid-ink printers

  • More expensive compared to an inkjet or laser printer.
  • Because the solid ink needs to melt, it's slower than any other printing technology.
  • The solid ink does not work on all types of paper (e.g., it does not work well with card stock and photo paper).
  • Folding the printed paper can cause cracks or printed material to fall off the page.

Inkjet printer, Obsolete, Printer terms