Solomon Golomb
Updated: 12/30/2019 by Computer Hope
Name: Solomon Wolf Golomb
Born: May 30, 1932, in Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Death: May 1, 2016 (Age: 83)
Computer-related contributions
- American engineer, mathematician, and professor of electrical engineering at the University of Southern California.
- Known for his development of mathematical games.
- Created the mathematical game "Cheskers" and coined it's name (1948).
- Explained polyominoes and pentominoes (1953), which are the inspiration for the computer game Tetris.
- Pioneered the identification of the characteristics and merits of maximum length shift register sequences, also known as pseudorandoms (used with cellular phones).
- Schooled in problems of number theory, combinatorial analysis, coding theory, and communications.
Significant publications
- Signal Design for Good Correlation: For Wireless Communication, Cryptography, and Radar (2005).
- Polyominoes: Puzzles, Patterns, Problems, and Packings (1996).
- Basic Concepts in Information Theory and Coding: The Adventures of Secret Agent 00111 (1994).
- Shift Register Sequences (1981).
- Polyominoes the Fascinating New Recreation in Mathematics (1965).