SONICblue was an electronics company that was formed in 1999 after the merger between Diamond Multimedia and S3. The company created consumer electronics such as the Rio MP3 player.
Contact information
SONICblue is no longer in business and has no e-mail or phone support options. Computer Hope may still be able to assist you with any technical support related questions, but cannot help with any part replacements, warranty, or other company specific related questions.
Companies selling similar products
Related pages on Computer Hope
Company news
October 28, 2003 - Best Data purchased the rights to Diamond Multimedia from SONICblue.
March 21, 2003 - SONICblue filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
November 1, 2000 - S3 Incorporated today announced a name change to SONICblue and began trading on November 15, 2000, under the stock ticker symbol SBLU. With the exit of its desktop and portable graphics chips and board businesses, SONICblue will be highly focused on digital media and information appliance opportunities.