Stephen Wolfram
Updated: 11/16/2019 by Computer Hope

Name: Stephen Wolfram
Born: August 29, 1959, in London, England, UK
Computer-related contributions
- British scientist and the chief designer of the Mathematica software application and the Wolfram Alpha computational knowledge engine. Wolfram|Alpha is one of the answer engines behind Microsoft's Bing and Apple's Siri (along with Google and Yelp!) answering factual questions.
- According to Google Scholar, Stephen Wolfram is cited by over 30,000 publications (up to April 2012), has an h-index of 58, and an Erdős number of 2.
- As a boy, Stephen Wolfram was called a young Einstein.
- At age 13, he earned a scholarship to Eton College.
- At age 14, he wrote his first book on particle physics.
- At age 17, he was published in the scientific journal Nuclear Physics.
- At age 18, he wrote a widely-acclaimed paper on heavy quark production.
- At age 20, he received his PhD in theoretical physics.
Significant publications
- A New Kind of Science (2002).
Honors and awards
- Received one of the first MacArthur awards at age 21 (1981).
"So the thing I realized rather gradually - I must say starting about 20 years ago now that we know about computers and things - there's a possibility of a more general basis for rules to describe nature."